Learn about the state-of-the-art in oncological imaging all from the comfort of your home or workplace!

General Information

Since 2015, ESOI has been proudly offering high quality webinars given by world class speakers on various topics in oncologic imaging. Our live webinars have been very well received by our members with consistently high turnout and engagement from participants all across the globe. After the presentation, you can even ask questions in real time!

ESOI webinars are oriented towards different levels of expertise, a wide array of topics, and are increasingly becoming more multidisciplinary.
A number of our webinars are carried out in collaboration with medical societies such as ESSO and ESTRO as well as other radiological subspecialty societies.
Young radiologists are also included in the webinar series with special sessions addressing relevant topics for residents.

In addition to the live broadcast, the lectures are uploaded to the Member Area (with an approximate one month delay) so they can be (re)viewed by active ESOI members at their own convenience.
To date, we have more than 80 full length lectures (with in-depth discussions and Q&A)!

Recommended Bandwidth
The website www.speedtest.net offers you to check your bandwidth. We strongly recommend
• Upload min. 6Mbit required bandwidth (relevant for speakers, moderators sharing their video&audio signal)
• Download min. 6Mbit required bandwidth
Also, we recommend a cable internet or a wireless connection with full signal.
Please note: Shared bandwidth (e.g. hospital, universities) will result in lower bandwidth for each user.

Exclusive Sponsor 2025

Webinar Accreditation 2025

We are pleased to inform you that all regular webinars 2025 have been granted 1 European CME credit (ECMEC®s) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®).
Attendees need to attend the live webinar AND evaluate the webinar to receive the CME certificate.
The certificate of attendance/CME certificate will be sent approx. 1 week after the live webinar.

Upcoming Webinars

Webinar 3

Wednesday, March 19, 18:00 CET
Primary bone tumors and mimickers
Speaker: Salvatore Gitto, Milan/IT | Moderators: Luca Sconfienza, Milan/IT & Giulia Zamboni, Verona/IT
Moderator: Luca Sconfienza, Milan/IT & Giulia Zamboni, Verona/IT

General description, scope and objectives of this webinar

The program of this webinar will cover the main imaging features of primary bone tumors and their mimickers. It is aimed at radiologists, radiology residents and people who want to improve their skills in:
– radiological evaluation of bone sarcomas
– radiological assessment of non-cancerous bone lesions, such as infection and “do not touch” lesions 

After watching the webinar, participants will be able to:
– employ a systematic approach to the differential diagnosis of bone tumors and tumor-like lesions, which is based on patient’s demographics, clinical presentation and radiological findings

– describe the main characteristics of bone lesions on radiographs and recognize worrisome imaging features, which indicate the need for further work-up


Who can register for this webinar and how?
This webinar is offered to all ESOI members in good standing.
Please find all information about ESOI membership here: ESOI Membership
Should you be in doubt of your current membership status with ESOI, please contact the Office at


Webinar Overview 2025

Check out the webinar schedule 2025 and mark your calendar!

Webinar Schedule 2025

Webinar 1

Wednesday, January 29, 18:00 CET
Lung cancer staging: changes, benefits and limitations
Speakers: Sara Pilotto, Verona/IT & Helmut Prosch, Vienna/AT
Moderators: Anna Rita Larici, Rome/IT & Silvia Novello Turin/IT

Webinar 2

Wednesday, February 19, 18:00 CET
A multidisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis and Management of Patients with Endometrial Cancer
Speakers: Niccolo Bizzarri & Silvia Bottazzi & Camilla Nero & Konstantinos Zormpas-Petridis; Rome/IT
Moderator: Evis Sala, Rome/IT

Webinar 3

Wednesday, March 19, 18:00 CET
Primary bone tumors and mimickers
Speaker: Salvatore Gitto, Milan/IT | Moderators: Luca Sconfienza, Milan/IT & Giulia Zamboni, Verona/IT
Moderator: Luca Sconfienza, Milan/IT & Giulia Zamboni, Verona/IT

Webinar 4

Wednesday, April 16, 18:00 CEST
A primer on AI in oncologic imaging
Speaker: Daniel Pinto dos Santos, Frankfurt/DE
Moderator: Emanuele Neri, Pisa/IT

Webinar 5

Wednesday, May 14, 18:00 CEST
Cystic lesions in the neck
Speaker: Katarina Šurlan Popović, Ljubljana/SI
Moderator: Irina Trofimenko, Lisbon/PT

Webinar 6

Wednesday, June 18, 18:00 CEST
Peritoneal carcinomatosis: radiological-surgical correlation
Speakers: Stephanie Nougaret & Francois Quenet; Montpellier/FR
Moderator: Melvin D’Anastasi, Msida/MT

Webinar 7

Wednesday, July 23, 18:00 CEST
Cancer of unknown origin
Speakers: Lale Umutlu, Essen/DE
Moderator: Sofia Gourtsoyianni, Athens/GR

Webinar 8

Wednesday, September 17, 18:00 CEST
Artifacts mimicking lesions at MRI
Speakers: Irina Trofimenko, Lisbon/PT
Moderator: Giovanni Cappello, Turin/IT

Webinar 9

Wednesday, October 15, 13:00 CEST
Accurate imaging diagnosis and treatment decision of HCC
Speakers: Chuanmiao Xie, Guangzhou/CN
Moderator: Evangelos Chartampilas, Athens/GR

Webinar 10

Wednesday, December 10, 13:00 CET
MRI imaging of Rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Speakers: Xiaoyan Zhang, Beijing/CN
Moderator: Lucian Beer, Munich/DE

Previous Webinars

Webinar 1

Wednesday, January 29, 18:00 CET
Lung cancer staging: changes, benefits and limitations
Speaker: Sara Pilotto, Verona/IT & Helmut Prosch, Vienna/AT
Moderator: Anna Rita Larici, Rome/IT & Silvia Novello, Turin/IT

Webinar 2

Wednesday, February 19, 18:00 CET
A multidisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis and Management of Patients with Endometrial Cancer
Speakers: Niccolo Bizzarri & Silvia Bottazzi & Camilla Nero & Konstantinos Zormpas-Petridis; Rome/IT
Moderator: Evis Sala, Rome/IT

Find below comprehensive overviews of our previous webinar topics, year by year (2015-2023), to understand what we offer our active members in the form of recorded online lectures!

Previous Webinars 2024

Webinar #1: Cystic pancreatic neoplasms: MDT

Giuseppe Malleo, Verona/IT & Giulia Zamboni, Verona/IT


Special Webinar #1: Urothelial cancer

Davide Prezzi, London/UK


Webinar #2: Imaging of mediastinal masses

Helmut Prosch, Vienna/AT


Webinar #3: Common errors in oncologic imaging

Daniele Regge, Torino/IT


Webinar #4: Imaging after nonsurgical therapies for non-small cell lung cancer: A guide for radiologists

Marie-Pierre Revel, Paris/FR; Anna Rita Larici, Rome/IT


Webinar #5: GEP-NET: MDT

Massimo Falconi, Milan/IT; Francesco Panzuto, Rome/IT; Damiano Caruso, Rome/IT; Andrea Laghi, Rome/IT


Webinar #6: The 2021 WHO classification of CNS tumors: What the radiologist needs to know

Carolina Giordano, Rome/IT ; Simona Gaudino, Rome/IT


Webinar #7: Imaging considerations in appendicular soft tissue tumours

Christian Kelly-Morland, Framlingham/UK


Webinar #8: MDT discussion for cervical cancer

Benedetta Gui, Rome/IT; Luca Russo, Rome/IT


Webinar #9: Non-invasive imaging in the diagnosis and prognosis prediction of liver cancer

Yan Fuhua, Shanghai/CN

Previous Webinars 2023

Webinar #1: ESOI-ESSO-ESTRO: Rectal Cancer: A multi-disciplinary approach to imaging

Regina Beets-Tan, Geerard Beets; Amsterdam/NL


Webinar #2: Primary and secondary malignancies of the pleura: Diagnosis, staging and response assessment

Luciano Cardinale, Orbassano/IT


Webinar #3: Gastrointestinal cancers in IBD

Sofia Gourtsoyianni, Athens/GR


Webinar #4: Endometrial carcinoma

Milagros Otero-Garcia, Vigo/ES


Webinar #5: Whole-body diffusion weighted imaging

Vincent Vandecaveye, Leuven/BE


Special Webinar #1: Added value of artificial intelligence with CT and MRI for RCC diagnosis. 

Zhen Li, Wuhan/CN


Special Webinar #2: Hepatospecific contrast agents in the study of HCC: Is the examination time the most important aspect?

Jin Wang, Guangzhou/CN


Webinar #6: Atypical presentations of bone mets

Frederic Lecouvet, Brussels/BE


Special Webinar #3: AI-powered Screening/Prognosis/Diagnosis: What’s the future of Oncology Imaging?

Luis Marti-Bonmati, Valencia/ES


Webinar #7: Rad-path correlations in breast cancer

Alexandra Athanasiou, Athens/GR


Webinar #8: Nuclear medicine for the diagnosis and treatment of neuroendocrine tumors

Clemens Cyran, Munich/DE


Webinar #9: Role of imaging in esophageal cancer

Vicky Goh, London/UK


Webinar #10: Imaging and staging of laryngeal cancer

Minerva Becker, Geneva/CH


Webinar #11: Update in interventional oncology of HCC

Laura Crocetti, Pisa/IT


Webinar #12: Characterisation of the Small Solid Renal Mass: When you need MRI

Davide Prezzi, London/UK


Special Webinar #4: Parametric MR before prostate biopsy, may increase patient life with PSA increased level

Tobias Franiel, Jena/DE

Previous Webinars 2022

Webinar #1: Multidisciplinary approach to small renal masses

Andrea Veltri, Orbassano/IT; Alessandro Volpe, Piedmont/IT; Marcello Tucci, Asti/IT


Webinar #2: O-Rads for MRI

Isabelle Thomassin-Naggara, Paris/FR


Webinar #3: Tumors and tumor-like lesions of the paranasal sinuses

Katarina Šurlan Popović, Ljubljana/SI


Webinar #4: Pediatric GI or GU tumors: A primer for the “adult radiologist”

Annemieke Littooij, Utrecht/NL; Irmina Sefic, Sarajevo/BA


Webinar #5: PET imaging evaluation in oncology: Tips & tricks for the clinical practice

André Dias, Aarhus/DK


Webinar #6: Cancer in pregnancy

Charis Bourgioti, Athens/GR


Webinar #7: Understanding Artificial Intelligence: Principles and basic concepts behind the “black box”

David Bonekamp, Hirschberg/DE


Webinar #8: Added value of PET/CT in staging and response assessment of head and neck tumors

Clemens Cyran, Munich/DE


Webinar #9: Abdominal toxicities of common oncologic therapies

Nina Tunariu, Tadworth/UK


Webinar #10: Incidental breast lesions at CT

Paola Clauser, Vienna/AT


Webinar #11: Life as an academic radiologist

Evis Sala, Cambridge/UK


Webinar #12: Skull base tumors: Differential diagnosis and key findings for treatment planning

Alexandra Borges, Lisbon/PT

Previous Webinars 2021

Webinar #1: ESOI-ESSO-ESTRO: Rectal Cancer: A multi-disciplinary approach to imaging

R. Beets-Tan (Radiologist), G. Beets (Surgeon), C. Marijnen (Radiation oncologist); Amsterdam/NL


Webinar #2: Imaging of lymphomas: Current status

M. Mayerhöfer, New York/US


Webinar #3: ESOI-ESHI-MT: AI in multimodality imaging of cancer

C. Cyran, Munich/DE


Webinar #4: Multidisciplinary webinar: Preoperative assessment of peritoneal carcinomatosis

S. Nougaret, F. Quenet; Montpellier/FR


Webinar #5: NET: How to assess response to therapy – A case-based multidisciplinary discussion

D. Caruso, M. Rinzivillo; Rome/IT (case presenters); F. Panzuto, Rome/IT; M. Falconi, Milan/IT (panelists)


Webinar #6: Preparing and attending oncologic MDT meetings: A memorandum for the radiologist

L. Fournier, Paris/FR


Webinar #7: ESOI-EUSOBI: Surveillance after breast cancer treatment

Kristina Lang, Lund/SE


Webinar #8: Urologic webinar:
– Penile cancer: Role of MRI in the new 8th TNM staging system
– Testicular germ cell tumors: Staging and surveillance

Alberto Vargas, Sungmin Woo, Anton Becker; New York/US


Webinar #9: ESOI-ESNR: Brain metastases: Imaging after treatment

Pia Sundgren, Lund/Sweden


Webinar #10: ESOI-ESTI: Pulmonary complications in oncologic therapy
What the oncologic radiologist must know

Cornelia Schaefer-Prokop, Amersfoort/NL


Webinar #11
Imaging of HCC:
– Radiomics and radiogenomics in HCC
– Assessment of HCC response to therapy: New treatments, new challenges, new criteria

Emanuele Neri, Riccardo Lencioni; Pisa/IT

Previous Webinars 2020

Limits and pitfalls of CT and MR in the staging of lung cancer

J. Dinkel, Munich/DE


Uterine tumours: Correlation between histology and imaging features

E. Sala (Radiologist), M. Jimenez-Linan (Pathologist); Cambridge/UK


A practical approach for the diagnosis of a liver tumor

V. Vilgrain, Paris/FR


Tumour board: GEP-NET

A. Laghi (Radiologist), D. Caruso (Radiologist), F. Panzuto (Gastroenterologist), M. Rinzivillo (Gastroenterologist); Rome/IT
M. Falconi, Milan/IT (Surgeon)


MSK – soft tissues tumours

F. Vanhoenacker, Antwerp/BE


Role of cardiac imaging (CT and MRI) in patients with cancer

B. Velthuis, Utrecht/NL


Spinal tumours

L. van den Hauwe, Antwerp/BE


Imaging biomarkers in oncology

A. Alberich-Bayarri, Valencia/ES


Multidisciplinary Webinar from ESOI-ESTRO
Lung cancer: A multidisciplinary approach to imaging

A.R. Larici (Radiologist), V. Valentini (Radiation Oncologist); Rome/IT


Oncologic Imaging and Covid-19: An unwanted wedding

D. Regge, Turin/IT; D. Caruso, Rome/IT


Imaging in gastric cancer before and after neoadjuvant therapy

M.A. Mazzei, Siena/IT


ESOI Young Radiologists’ Webinar: Basic statistics

M. Maas, Amsterdam/NL

Previous Webinars 2019

Prostate cancer: A multidisciplinary approach to imaging

H-P. Schlemmer (Radiologist), J.P. Radtke (Urologist); Heidelberg/DE


Immune therapy: Response assessment and toxicity

D. Regge, Turin/IT


Small bowel tumours

M. Gollub, New York/US


Interventional oncological options for RCC

M. Krokidis, Cambridge/UK


Rectal cancer: A multidisciplinary approach to imaging

R. Beets-Tan, Amsterdam/NL (Radiologist), N. Figueiredo, Lisbon/PT (Surgeon), R. Glynne-Jones, Northwood/UK (Radiation Oncologist)


Imaging and response assessment of multiple myeloma

A. Baur-Melnyk, Munich/DE


Artificial intelligence in oncologic imaging: Current status and future directions

E. Neri, Pisa/IT (Radiologist); A. Alberich Bayarri, Valencia/ES (Telecommunications Engineer)


Clinical relevance of PSMA PET/CT: An overview and update

C. Cyran, Munich/DE


Assessing response to therapy of brain tumours

P.M. Sundgren, Lund/SE


Pancreatic cancer: A multidisciplinary approach to imaging

G. Zamboni (Radiologist), G. Marchegiani (Surgeon); Verona/IT


Breast cancer: A multidisciplinary approach to imaging in neoadjuvant treatment

M. Lobbes, Sittard-Geleen/NL (Radiologist); M.L. Smidt, Maastricht/NL (Surgeon)


Interventional oncological treatment of lung nodules/lung cancer

J. Palussière, Bordeaux/FR


New paradigms in scientific publishing

M.F. Reiser, Munich/DE


Correlation of radiological images with surgical findings in ovarian peritoneal disease

L. Fournier (Radiologist), A.S. Bats (Surgeon); Paris/FR

Previous Webinars 2018

Rectal Cancer: A multidisciplinary approach to imaging

R. Beets-Tan (Radiologist), G. Beets (Surgeon), B. van Triest (Radiation oncologist); Amsterdam/NL


Cross-sectional imaging of renal tumours

R. Pozzi Mucelli, Verona/IT


Structured reporting in prostate cancer

D. Regge, Turin/IT


Imaging of testicular tumours

M. Bertolotto, Trieste/IT


Preoperative local staging of breast cancer: tailoring the surgical treatment

J. Camps Herrero, Alzira/ES (Radiologist); R. Ponzone, Turin/IT (Surgeon)


Response evaluation in oncology: RECIST 1.1

M. D’Anastasi, Msida/MT


Algorithmic approach to the female pelvic mass

E. Sala, Cambridge/UK


Molecular and hybrid imaging in prostate cancer

G. Cook, London/UK


Rectal cancer: A multidisciplinary approach to imaging

R. Beets-Tan (Radiologist), G. Beets (Surgeon), B. van Triest (Radiation oncologist); Amsterdam/NL


Diagnosis and staging of oesophageal and gastric cancer

M. Laniado, Dresden/DE


Neuroendocrine tumours – radionuclide imaging and therapy

H. Ilhan, Munich/DE


Structured reporting in rectal cancer

M. Maas, Amsterdam/NL


Imaging after treatment of lung cancer

J. Dinkel, Munich/DE


Multidisciplinary management of CRC liver metastases

Th. Helmberger, Munich/DE


Lung cancer screening – what did we learn so far?

C. Schaefer-Prokop, Amersfoort/NL


Assessment of the treatment response of bone lesions in cancer patients: Pearls and pitfalls

F. Lecouvet, Brussels/BE


Imaging and response assessment of gastrointestinal stromal tumours

A. Laghi, Rome/IT

Previous Webinars 2017

Imaging of CNS tumours

P. Parizel, Antwerp/BE


Imaging and differential diagnosis of orbital tumours

U. Mueller-Lisse, Munich/DE


Imaging of lymphomas

M. Mayerhöfer, Vienna/AT


Imaging spectrum of primary and secondary mesenteric neoplasms

S. Nougaret, Montpellier/FR


Imaging of the treated pelvis: Pearls and pitfalls

E. Sala, New York/US


MR imaging of malignant diseases of the uterus

Y. Lakhman, New York/US


Practical advice in preparing successful scientific manuscripts

M.F. Reiser, Munich/DE


Imaging of recurrent prostate cancer

H. Vargas, New York/US


Bone metastases, how should we approach them with imaging?

T. Bäuerle, Erlangen/DE


PET-MRI in oncologic imaging – where do we stand?

V. Goh, London/UK


When to call a lesion an HCC?

G. Brancatelli, Palermo/IT


Current evidence for minimally invasive treatments in HCC

J. Ricke, Munich/DE


Diagnostic test studies: How I do it

M. Maas, Amsterdam/NL


Paediatric abdominal tumours

C. Granata, Genoa/IT

Previous Webinars 2016

Staging of rectal cancer with MRI

R. Beets-Tan, Amsterdam/NL


Contrast-enhanced ultrasound-technical considerations and applications in oncologic imaging

D. Clevert, Munich/DE


Imaging dissemination pathways in head and neck cancer

M. Mack, Munich/DE


Whole body MRI in onology

V. Vandecaveye, Leuven/BE


Imaging of lung cancer: Implications on management

L. Bonomo, Rome/IT


Imaging of biliary tract tumours

R. Manfredi, Verona/IT


Staging of ovarian cancer – providing a GPS to patient management

H. Hricak, New York/US


Role of MRI in the diagnosis and management of prostate cancer

H. Vargas, New York/US


Tailoring breast imaging surveillance to the woman´s risk

F. Gilbert, Cambridge/UK


Imaging of bone tumours

G. Guglielmi, Foggia/IT


RECIST, CHOI and beyond

M. D’Anastasi, Munich/DE

Previous Webinars 2015

DW in oncologic imaging

D. Lambregts, Maastricht/NL


CT colonography

A. Laghi, Latina/IT


Cystic and solid pancreatic tumors

G. Zamboni, Verona/IT


Imaging the prostate – current status and future developments

J. Futterer, Nijmengen/NL


Update on breast MRI

F. Sardanelli, Milan/IT


Structured oncologic reporting

W. Sommer, Munich/DE

Webinar Recordings

Stay up-to-date in oncological imaging and enjoy unlimited access to a vast array of lectures from world leaders in their field!

ESOI webinars are recorded and made available to our active members (after a period of approximately 30 days).
To date, there are more than 60 full length recorded lectures available. In order to see which webinars have been organised in the past, please refer to the Webinar Overviews above. In addition, below is a preview of some lectures that are available.

In order to access the recordings via the link below, please make sure your membership 2023 is active and that you are logged in (members area – right upper corner).

Webinar recordings