About ESOI
The main goal of the society is to raise the scientific level and professional knowledge within the field of oncologic imaging and has thereby two important missions.
First, the society strives to globally provide high-quality education in cancer imaging and research – not only in countries with but also in those without access to high quality oncological education.
Second, ESOI aims to become an oncologic imaging society that will attract not only radiologists but everyone working in the field of oncology. There is no doubt that, for an optimal treatment outcome, the input of radiologists in the multidisciplinary approach is crucial.
Furthermore, it will be more important than ever to understand the questions from our oncological clinical partners, which are increasingly complex.
ESOI recognises these needs and strives to create an international platform that will bring together radiologists with clinical professionals such as surgical oncologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists and basic scientists in immunology, genetics, molecular pathology, biotechnology etc.
The ESOI board and I would very much welcome you as our colleague who would like to participate or be involved in ESOI’s activities and contribute to the exciting new developments in oncologic imaging.
The ESOI Executive Committee
Vision & Mission
The European Society of Oncologic Imaging is an apolitical, non-profit organisation, exclusively and directly dedicated to promoting and coordinating the scientific, philanthropic, intellectual and professional activities of oncologic imaging. The Society’s mission at all times is to serve the health care needs of the general public through the support of science, teaching and research and the quality of service in the field of oncologic imaging.
The European Society of Oncologic Imaging will set its focus on establishing oncologic imaging (OI) as an area of special interest and expertise in the field of diagnostic and interventional radiology with the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and particularly with all established committees of ESR in order to provide both a scientific forum and to promote research as well as technical developments in oncologic imaging in Europe.
Through dissemination of knowledge and research information, in particular across Europe, the European Society of Oncologic Imaging aims to advance and improve all radiological aspects of patients with malignancy, the quality of diagnosis and treatment of oncologic patients by means of medical imaging.
Prof.Dr. Heinz-Peter Schlemmer
ESOI Past-President
ESOI Mission Statement
- The mission of ESOI is to promote advances in imaging and research activities related to cancer imaging.
- The society is founded under the umbrella of ESR and shall be connected to ESR as an institutional member.
- The society will closely cooperate with other European Imaging subspecialty societies, like ESGAR, ESUR, ESTI, ESHNR, CIRSE and will participate in the Subspecialty and Allied Sciences Committee and all other relevant committees of ESR.
- ESOI aims to complement and enhance the activities of other existing societies as named above in relation to cancer imaging. It is not aimed at replacing any existing structure or society.
- ESOI will aim to collaborate with key organisations in the field of cancer management and research e.g. EORTC.
- ESOI will strive towards a multidisciplinary approach with representation from diagnostic and interventional radiology, nuclear medicine, radiation therapy, surgery, medical and clinical oncology, and engage other non-imaging societies, like ECO and ESMO both in terms of an educational programme and membership.
- ESOI will aim to build an alliance with other international societies in the field of oncology and imaging, like the International Cancer Imaging Society (ICIS) to facilitate the collaboration in research and education activities.
- ESOI will be open to medical professionals from radiology as well as clinical specialties and allied sciences; oncologists and oncologic surgeons as well as nuclear medicine physicians and radiotherapists will be encouraged to become members of ESOI.
- ESOI will seek partnership with sponsors from both the radiological field and pharmaceutical/therapeutic companies, thereby enhancing its multidisciplinary approach to cancer management.
- ESOI will ultimately aim to become a widely visible and highly recognized cancer imaging society that will attract not only radiologists but also surgical, medical oncology and radiotherapy specialists and allied scientists. We should embrace clinicians and they should have the desire to be part of our society with both sides ultimately benefiting from mutual education and cooperative research.
- At ESOI meetings radiologists both attendees and faculties should be able to interact with clinicians and vice versa. Educational programmes should consist of lively discussion and debates.
Executive Committee 2025-2027
Executive Committee Members 2025-2027
Melvin D’Anastasi, Msida/Malta
Giulia Zamboni, Verona/Italy
Emanuele Neri, Pisa/Italy
Heinz Peter Schlemmer, Heidelberg/Germany
Marius Mayerhöfer, Vienna/Austria
Executive Committee Members 2025-2027
Member at Large
Ralf-Thorsten Hoffmann, Dresden/Germany
Clemens Cyran, Munich/Germany
Laure Fournier, Paris/France
Ferdia Gallagher, Cambridge/UK
Polina Rudenko, Valencia/Spain
Anna Rita Larici, Rome/Italy
Doenja Lambregts, Amsterdam/Netherlands
Sofia Gourtsoyianni, Athens/Greece
Maija Radzina, Riga/Latvia
Chair Education Committee
Irina Trofimenko, Lisbon/Portugal
Chair Membership Committee
Damiano Caruso, Rome/Italy
Chair Research Committee
Evis Sala, Cambridge/United Kingdom
Chair Young Radiologists Committee
Giovanni Cappello, Turin/Italy
Committee Members 2023-2025
Education Committee 2023-2025
Giulia Zamboni, Verona/Italy
Giovanni Cappello, Turin/Italy
Clemens Cyran, Munich/Germany
Anna Rita Larici, Rome/Italy
Vassiliki Pasoglou, Brussels/Belgium
Irina Trofimenko, Moscow/Russia
Evangelos Chartampilas, Thessaloniki/Greece
Alessandra Borgheresi, Ancona/Italy
Chiara Romei, Pisa/Italy
Chandan Kakkar, Ludhiana/Punjab, India
Wolfgang Kunz, Munich/Germany
Lucien Beer, Vienna/Austria
Membership Committee 2023-2025
Sofia Gourtsoyianni, Athens/Greece
Olga Kucheruk, Moscow/Russia
Ariadna Paliichuk, Annecy/France
Natali Deresh, Kiev/Ukraine
Vassiliki Pasoglou, Kraainem/Belgium
Christian Kelly-Morland, Framlingham/United Kingdom
Katerina Xinou, Thessaloniki/Greece
Piero Boraschi, Lerici/Italy
Carmelo Sofia, Messina/Italy
Research Committee 2023-2025
Evis Sala, Cambridge/United Kingdom
Marius Mayerhöfer, Vienna/Austria
Damiano Caruso, Rome/Italy
Doris Leithner, Frankfurt am Main/Germany
Iztok Caglic, Cambridge/United Kingdom
Vincenza Granata, Naples/Italy
Giacomo Avesani, Rome/Italy
Ramona Woitek, Krems/Austria
Stephanie Nougaret, Montpellier/France
Luca Russo, Rome/Italy
Young Radiologists Committee 2023-2025
Giovanni Cappello, Turin/Italy
Lucian Beer, Cambridge/United Kingdom
Alessandra Borgheresi, Ancona/Italy
Zuhir Elkarghali, Amsterdam/The Netherlands
Sergio Grosu, Munich/Germany
Doris Leithner, Frankfurt am Main/Germany
Marta Zerunian, Rome/Italy
Ariadna Paliichuk, Annecy/France
Lara Sammut, Msida/Malta
Michela Polici, Rome/Italy
Marianna Konidari, Athens/Greece
Roxana Pintican, Cluj-Napoca/Romania
Nathania Bonanno, Msida/Malta
Marta Dziaduch, Warsaw/Poland
Antonella Del Gaudio, Rome/Italy
Davide Tore, Turin/Italy
Maurice Heimer, Munich/Germany
Carolina Giordano, Rome/Italy
Diana Veiga, Valencia/Spain
Diletta Cavallero, Pontedera/Italy
Other Representatives & Organs
ESOI Representatives at ESR
ESR Subspecialties and Allied Sciences Committee (2023-2025)
Emanuele Neri, Pisa/Italy
ESR Education Committee (2022-2024)
Clemens Cyran, Munich/Germany
ESR Quality, Safety and Standards Committee (2022-2024)
Marius Mayerhöfer, Vienna/Austria
ESR Research Committee (2023-2025)
Evis Sala, Cambridge/United Kingdom
ESOI Controllers
Controllers (2025-2027)
Christoph Mayer, Vienna/AT
Markus Pfingstner, Vienna/AT
The statutes of the European Society of Oncologic Imaging can be downloaded/viewed here:
ESOI Statutes
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